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I Don't Get Cute

I get drop dead gorgeous!

Arcade Realness Hennys, giving you Chanel Oberlin meets Heather Chandler meets Cruella deVil realness! Lindens are flying and the opulence couldn't get any higher! I'll start out this post talking about my new hair, which is my currently obsession! This is new from Doux at the main store. This style is designed after the creators own hair, which is pretty rad that he brought it into SL! I love the volume, shape, color, EVERYTHING! Great hair to add some diversity to your wig collection. 10 out of 5 stars. Onto The Arcade items! The event is officially OPENED! I was one of the first few people on the sim, so of course I carefully splurged so my lindens weren't eaten by lag, only had a 5 missed deliveries. But I digress; I wanna talk about this cute fur coat that that Olive put in their machine! I lucked out and won the rare which gives me all the colors!! This is a rigged mesh coat, I didn't see a sign saying specifically for what, but it comes in one size. This is of course tailored more for women, but since when did I let that stop me? This actually fits me really well! Just don't look at my backrolls <3 xD 5 out of 5 stars, glad I won my coat <3 Last but not least this casino-esque poker backdrop is from one of Astralia's Gachas at The Arcade as well! This is a cute little scene for many different photos! 5 out of 5 stars, gimme gimme more! Gimme More!




Hair: Doux~ Cooper [Pastels&Ombres]

Head: Catwa~ Daniel Bento Head

Ears: Mandala~ Steking Ears

Body/Hands/Feet: Belleza~ Mesh Body Jake

Coat: Olive~ Audrey Fur Coat RARE *GACHA* @TheArcade

Shorts: Noche~ Running Shorts Black @MOM

Backdrop: Astralia~ Doll Roulette Background *GACHA* @TheArcade

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