Lazy Boi
A lazy Friday morning, just my keyboard and my cat!
I am sporting a few new releases; and plenty of more coming up this week.
I'll start out talking about my nip nops. My nipsss these dank mesh nipples that Noche released at the Fetish Fair. These are perfect for anyone who isn't quite happy with their applier or the way their mesh bodies nipples are..*cough Signature*. The best part is these come in a variety of sizes for how large you wanna get them ;) Plus there are sizes already fitted for the major mesh bodies. So much time and effort into making this perfect for everyone! 5 out of 5 stars.
Lastly for whats new to talk about; this bed is new from Soy at this upcoming round of The Mens Department. This bed is perfect for a man on a budget who doesn't need a fancy bed frame, just a comfy matress on the floor with a computer and a dream! I love this bed and plan to use it whenever I'm not living my posh Chanel lifestyle <3 5 out of 5 stars.
Hair: BarberYumYum~ S04 @Uber
Ears: Mandala~ Steking Ears
Nipples: Noche~ Mesh Nipples @FetishFair
Body/Hands/Feet: Belleza~ Mesh Body Jake
Shorts: Dufaux~ jogger shorts *custom name* - blue
Skybox: EliBaily~ Bachelor Loft_Light
Books: Random Matter~ Dorm Life - Textbooks *Gacha*
Cat: Jian~ Kitty Pillow (Prints)
Posters: Peaches 'N Cream~ CESP - Girly Posters *Gacha*
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