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Fuck a Silver Lining

Today we are having a little R&R..some self-care if you will. behind this pillow is an X-Rated Review; and behind my avatar is a new furniture collection! I'll start this post out with the new furniture from USB. This cute bedroom collection features a bed, rug, nightstands with decor, and a cute wall board to add a little bit of lighting and flair to your bedroom. You can pick this up right now, or on the 5th when The Mens Department is officially open! Now onto this new pecker from Cheerno! That's right Cheerno made a rigged bento penis! I've been blogging for this brand for a good moment now, so this is my first time reviewing this product! It was just recently updated with more sizes and smoother animations. Overall this cock is pretty nice, it definately has room for improvement but what is amazing about the product itself is Cheerno is constantly working on it and releasing updates. So you can be guaranteed at least one of your mesh body parts is being updated...looking at you LeLutka and Belleza! All jokes aside, this is a pretty shweet peen, and to see a photo of it scroll down below the credits ;) Also can I get a round of applause for the variety of words I used for dick? Over like 5!




Hair: Burley~ Nixon

Head: LeLutka~ Bento Head Andrea

Ears: Mandala~ Steking Ears

Body/Hands/Feet: Belleza~ Mesh Body Jake

Member: Cheerno~ CHEERNOX_NEXUS v.2.0

Bedroom Set: USB~ Sombre Surf Bed @TMD

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